Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Truth wins

When we stop measuring time according to the cycles of national leaders and instead zoom out to see the cycle of nations, an evident pattern begins to appear. Truth is the strongest force in the world. The more information is able to circulate freely, the more quickly truth becomes evident, and the more truth becomes evident, the more tyranny is stifled and liberty is granted to the individual. Koine Greek and the Roman roads allowed for the greatest circulation of information since the Tower of Babel, and in 350 years Christianity went from being a sect of Judaism with followers numbering in the hundreds, to the official position of the Roman Empire with an estimated 15 million followers. However, this was not simply a shift in the demographics of a new religion; everywhere that Christianity had influence, people’s lives began to change for the better. Human sacrifice ended, temple prostitution ended, slaves were viewed as humans made in the image of God, women were seen as valuable co-heirs of Heaven, and weaker vessels to be honored and protected on earth. As the Roman Empire morphed into the Roman Catholic Church, information once again became highly regulated and suppressed, and the pattern held true, tyrants ruled with an iron fist, individual liberty was nearly eradicated, and the standard of living for the uneducated masses went down drastically. With the invention of the printing press, information began to circulate again, the corrupt Roman Catholic Church lost its grip on the flow of information, truth rose to the surface, and over the next 400 years, monarchs were replaced with constitutional law, democratic elections, and the consent of the governed. Over this period of time chattel slavery was all but eradicated, medicine advanced by leaps and bounds, we went from transportation by horse and carriage and sailboats, to jet engines and nuclear submarines. Certainly, we also had violent revolutions, droughts, famines, persecutions, and wars in these centuries. But the trajectory was undeniably, up. When one thinks of the advances in civilizations brought about by 500 years of Koine Greek and Roman roads, and then the truly mind-numbing advances brought about by 500 years of the printing press, what will the next 500 years hold now that we have the information pipeline that is the internet? So long as information is allowed to flow freely, I am confident that truth will once again defeat all her foes, and so long as truth is shining on a larger audience, history would suggest that Liberty and its shadow Prosperity, will flourish century upon century. Let’s remember that when it doesn’t seem to be growing year over year. John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

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